I'm so glad you are here!
I am country girl a heart. Born and raised on a farm but now living in Columbus, OH. Lover of all things fitness and nutrition, living my life to the fullest, and helping others do the same.
I started my fitness career almost 10 years ago as a group fitness instructor and running a HIIT studio. As I transitioned into motherhood I knew the days of leaving for the gym for over an hour were behind me. I needed a more sustainable workout program that could be done from my home (or the gym) in around 30 minutes a day.
That is when I started Sculpt & Sweat Studio, a digital studio that is perfect for even the busiest mom!
The (not so little) fur ball over here is my first baby, Burke. He's the best big brother ever! And the other little cutie on my hip is Renn!
Here, we focus on building our healthiest, happiest, simplest, and best life. I’m super pumped you’re here with me!